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BloodNet cheat codes

This is the quickest way to the end of this game, although talking to more
persons gives you more things to do, more fun, and more money. First of all:
do not talk to Shock Maraud at the Strawberry Fields if you don' t want to
fight every 5 minutes. But if you do so, you are able to sell the things you
find on your enemy's dead body s, and then you can buy better stuff.

1: Tackett's lab
Take the Implant Plans.
Take the 4MB chip and place it in the decking unit.
2: Houstin Matrix Rovers
Take the Patch Cord.
Talk to Larry Owen.
3: Abyss
Talk to Rymma Fizz
Get at least one other person to join you, Monnick St. Clair is a good choice.
4: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Talk to Montgomery Taylor, answer NO to his first question.
5: Vince Munition Depot
Buy a Jury Rig Toolkit.
6: Central Park
Talk to Kimba West. If there are only three persons on the screen, go to some
other place and return, until there are seven persons.
Talk twice to Sander Tomalin. Put the Soul Box in the decking unit. Search the
area and take the dirt .
Talk to Mother Mary in the second screen.
7: Cafe Voltaire
Talk to Leonora Major. Answer YES.
Talk to Oscar Nandez in the second room.
8: Cyberspace
Always talk with every person you meet, you will only meet them once! Go via
FATS to the MAJOR well.
9: Kafka Conspiracy
Talk to Coover Tristan
10: Electric Anarchy
Talk to Phree Tought.
Talk to Nai Hilistick.
Talk to Chuck.
Talk to Pracktle K. Oss.
Talk to Auntie Matter.
Talk to Garrick Fizz and make him join you.
11: Autonomy Dogs
Talk to Wild Child.
Talk to Sabaccatus St. Aubens.
12: Hard Metals
Talk to Tempered Steele and make him join you.
Talk to Liquid Nails.
13: Metropolitan Museum
If your Bloodnetlust is already high, about 80% or so, search the area and
take the coffin. Byte the gard, and don't let your party members come in
action. 14: St. Patrick's Cathedral
Talk to Mother Mary and Brother Complicitus, twice to both. 15: Hellfire Club
Talk to George Yachisin.
Talk to Renfield.
16: Strongarm Tacktick
Buy the Lockpick Casing and the Diagnostic Unit.
Jury-rig an Electronic Lockpicks.
17: Renfield
If your party is not complete yet, make his number six. Drop the coffin and
use the dirt on it. This gives you the possibility to rest and recover here.
18: TransTechnicals
(You have to wear the security badge before you can enter here) Security: kill
Chief Daryl Paine. Search the room and take everything. Emily Esaki: search
the room and take everything.
Bill Doughan: talk to him
Nanotech Lab: search the room and take everything. Use the lockpick on the
second door, in that room search the area and take everything.
19: Lazlo Green ( first you have to read the crackdown list ) Search the room
and take the gasmask. Let someone put it one his head. 20: Electric Anarchy
Talk to Phree Thought. Give her the Dragon Soul Box.
21: Icon Robbers Studio
Use the Somnavapor, the one with the gasmask should do that. Search the room
and take the Holocam and the Holofilms, and the transmitter if you talk to
more people than necessary.
22: Doom Pilots
Talk to Ghost Walker.
23: Madame Mescal
Buy and use the Instapigment.
24: The Cloisters: do not kill one of the knights!
Sebastianes room: take the beads.
Weaponroom: film Stark and use the film in front of the mirror. Search the
room and take everything.
Talk to Sir Theodoric, search the room and take everything.
25: Cafe Voltaire
Place the beads next to Cyril Thorpe.
Put the Azrael box in your decking unit, and the TransTechs Security. 26:
Go via FATS to the well MEDIUM.
Talk to Cyril Thorpe.
27: Cloisters
Don't wait to long to reenter this place, otherwise the Instapigment is
useless and you have to fight the knights. If that happens, you can t get
blessed soulblades... Sebastians room: he will bless the soulblades and the
stakes. 28: Cyberspace
Talk to Melissa Van Helsing if you didn't do that earlier. 29: Le Phood
Talk to Melissa and make her join you. Dismiss Renfield if you have to chouse
30: Hellfire club
Talk to Alexander Tennent.
Take a picture of Walter MacCalaster.
31: Van Helsings Apartment
Kill the vampires, go to the second room, search it and take at least the
Signal Scrambler. Save...
32: Grants Tomb
Use the Scrambler to get to the second room.
Surprise... Restore, dismiss the bad girl, rest at Renfields place and buy
ammunition if necessary.
Kill everyone and take the Emerald Pendant.
Free Alexander Tennent with the Lockpicks.
33: TransTechnicals
Talk to Bill Doughan.
34: Electric Anarchy
Talk to Chuck and make him member of the group.
Disassemble the Green Pendant.
Put the Emerald Looker Chip in the decking unit.
Put the Tacketts Essence in the decking unit.
35: Cyberspace
Talk to Tackett Cybervision.
Go via FATS to the KANSAS well.
Talk to Sally.
33: Saint Patricks Cathedral
Dismiss Chuck.
Talk to Mother Mary and make her join you, you will need her to get in the
final well. If your ammo or your health is low, do something about it now.
34: TransTech room 1122
Kill everyone in the battle. It can happen in a few moments, but sometimes you
will have to restart the computer because your not always able to kill Van
Helsing himself. Don't let Mother Mary die...
Talk to Dr. John Walker.
35: Cyberspace
Go via FATS to ELIZABETH well.
36: Final scene
Kill the six Dracula Images.
Kill Dracula, it is easy with the blessed stake.

So, that is it. If you look for more wells, here are some addresses: TTHEAT,

Money made easy in BloodnetNet:
Decking ain't cheap, we all know that. Here's a way to make
things go a tad bit easier for you. In any Bloodnetnet save game, load it up
in your favorite Hex-editor (We used DiskEdit from Norton) and go to offset
842 (Hex 34A) change the 3 bytes there to FF FF FF (I.E. 34A will be FF, 34B
will be FF, etc.), now, the microporse people were trying to be tricky, they
decided to check for cheaters and save the money location twice. Now go to
offset 17,769 (Hex 4569), look familiar? I thought so. Do the same thing and
VIOLA! You now have 16.7 Million virtual dollars! Have fun!

Other BloodNet cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. BloodNet cheat codes
1. BloodNet faq and solutions

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