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CyberGladiators hints

Turn your fighting game into a disco dancing game with this secret code.
From the fighter selection screen, press W, press S, and then J and L
simultaneously on the keyboard. You'll hear an explosion if this key
sequence is entered correctly.

Next, press Esc to clear your fighter selections. Now, choose any two
fighters and you will be brought to the hidden disco arena where you and
your opponent can dance the light fantastic!

Basic Strategy Guide

1.The arena objects often have patterns you can learn. Learn where and
when the spears fall, and you'll have a leg-up on the competition. Learn
that consecutive meteors drift across the playing field, and you'll be
able to coax your opponent into their path.

2.Use a punch to throw spears or rocks. Use a kick to kick barrels.

3.You can interrupt punches with kicks_a good way to fake out computer
(or human) opponents. Try a power punch interrupted by a speed kick. You
can also interrupt attack moves by repeatedly pressing the buttons.

4.When you start to get beaten badly, learn how to use the guard. Let
the computer hit you while you're guarding, then respond with one or two
quick attacks.

5.Learn the special moves for each character. The moves which do two or
three collisions (combos) or cover a great distance are the most
valuable ones.

6.When a player executes a combination against you, you can do one of
three things:
a. Interrupt it with a very quick move timed perfectly;
b. Pound repeatedly on the speed kick or speed punch button in the hope
of interrupting the combo;
c. Guard, to minimize the damage you are taking.

7.When you fight a boss, it's wise to guard immediately after the bout
begins. The bosses can knock your arms off, and without your arms, it's
difficult to beat the boss.

Other CyberGladiators cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. CyberGladiators cheat codes
2. CyberGladiators hints

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