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Singles: Flirt Up Your Life! hints

Modify Money
Locate the file "game.cfg" in the config folder of the game's installation
directory. Open the file with Notepad and search for the word "money". Change
the amount to 999999999 for max money.

Extra money
Use a text editor to edit the "savegame?.dat" (where ? is the number for the
saved game) file in the "savegame" directory in the game folder. Search for the
word "money" in the file and change the number behind it to "999999".

Get Your Money Back
Go into the building mode and build a long wall. Delete the wall and build it a
second time. This time the wall won't cost anything and if you delete it now
you'll get the money that it would have cost you to build it back. Repeat this a
few times until you have all the money you need.

Change character in the middle of the game
Save the game (say game #2). Now open the file savegame2Info.dat. Search for the
string "archtype" in the file. Play with this number to keep changing the
character you're playing. There's 2 of them. One for the elaine skeleton and one
for the Mike skeleton.

Modify the effects of the various activities
Once again, open the file savegame2Info.dat (or whatever the savegame number is)
and look for the string "-0" (minus zero) in the file. Replace it with "0". Now,
no matter what action you perform, all the bars in the game (body, love,
comfort, etc...) will only increase.

Change Level of Nudity in Singles: Flirt Up Your Life
Tired of your potential lovers wearing those drab black boxes when you get
naked? Well, try new RAWHIDE! Use Notepad to edit game.cfg file in the config
folder of the game directory (back it up first!). Look for the following lines:

# level of nudity
lon = 2

and replace the 2 with 10 so it looks like:

# level of nudity
lon = 10

Other Singles: Flirt Up Your Life! cheats hints faqs solutions:

1. Singles: Flirt Up Your Life! cheat codes

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